
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Count down is On ! ! !

Well everyone its been a busy yet very interesting summer thus the reason for the lack of Blogs. So very sorry! Well as I said the count down is on Yesterday I registered for class for this fall after weeks and weeks of pestering by Dad I guess it was a good thing So with school starting right around the corner its time for the yearly trip with the boys Every year at the end of the summer my brother and I + Dad get together for a long weekend in Florida this year it will be August 9-12 many Pictures on the way This year it will be a weekend of Golfing,Deep sea fishing and getting heavily intoxicated in the immortal words of Bill Engval "I don't wanna hear a thing because Tequila was involved" any way it should be alot of fun so for now I'm out of here


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