
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Its been a while

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. School has been wicked crazy yes you heard me right wicked crazy. You can get the boy out of New Hamshire but you can't get New Hamshire out of the boy. Well any who I am taking four class this summer Survey of physical Science, Photography 1,Public Speaking and English. For the most part all my classes are going extremly well and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. At summers end I will be a trip to the grea Meca also known as yankee stadium with dad. Yes thats right I am heading out to cape cod for a week of fun in the sun, there will be golfing, fishing, going to the beach and of course plenty of baseball mlb and cape league. Next week I am sapouse to submit my application to transfer to The University Of Utah. I am a little nervous but it is all good.Thats right I am going to be transfering after fall semester this year.Well its been good but I have to get going I have a bling flashing que that apparently needs some attention. Talk to you all latter.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

My baby died

So as everyone remembers how happy I was with my purchase of my mac book pro last January. Well this past weekend I am sitting their finishing a paper and all the sudden it freezes up. I think hhhhmmmm this is odd so I do what anyone would do and reboot her. Well heres is where it all began she wouldn't turn back on. I thought what the #$%# is going on here. Well at any rate my wife got it to come up for a few minutes long enough for me to email my paper to myself. With that taken care of I called a local repair man and he referred me to the simply mac store in Orem where she is sitting right now.I will keep you all posted.

Well I got word back today and the people at Simply Mac said the motherboard went out and it going to be $965 to fix ouch it does have to be fixed so I guess I'll bite the bullet and fork out the dough. You never realize how much you depend on something like a mac book pro till its gone.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

its tournament time again

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Computer

well my cheap company finally got me a new computer after three years. It is a dell but i'll take it the plus side it has 150 gig hard drive so now I can have all my music and movies on my computer hahahahahahahahaha

Monday, February 25, 2008

Time with the boys

On Saturday my younger brother Jared flew in for the week. On Sunday we got together with my other brother and went snowboarding at Brighton ski resort. Little side note I haven't been boarding in three years. As we got up to the resort it stated snowing pellets not a good sign. We got on the lift strapped on the board and something didn't feel right. I stopped right then and found out my binding was being held on by one and a half screw they sent a sled up for me to take me to the bottom of the mountain where my board was fixed after all that the day went pretty good until we had to shut the day short due to lightning and thunder they shut down the dang lift

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My weekend was interesting

My weekend was interesting to say the least. I spent the majority of Friday night studying for my Oceanography midterm uugg. Well anyway I got up bright and early on Saturday and made it down to the testing center by 9:00. I was amazed by how many people were down there already. I did fair on the test but not as well as I would like to have. Got home after the test and did some shopping with the family. Saturday evening the sister in Law and everyone knows my issues with her as well as her cousin came over and spent the night.Why in the Hell does she find a need to come over to my home when ever she has a day off and ruin my day or night. So I got through the night all right I decided to go get a few things at Walmart to make breakfast and guess what thats right the sister in law was parked behind she refused to move her car so my wife had to go out there and move the car got back started making breakfast and saw the cousin playing on with my laptop I had to take a test after I was done making breakfast so I politely asked her to keep it plugged in because I was going to be taking the test in a area of the house that doesn't have a power outlet when she hears me say this she says why its fully charged. Is it her laptop no I don't think so if shes using my laptop and I want it plugged in the whole that thats my right who is she to say that. Man I hate that piece of #$%&. Ok I'm done so all in all I wish I had another weekend to recover from the sister and law.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It Just kjeeps getting better and Better

Last night was one of my greatest nights in recent memory. It was President Bush last State of The Union adress. This means it is actually happening in less than a year that Son Of A Bitch will be out of office and I will never have think about him or any of his made up words. There were parts that were some what entertaining but mainly a BIG disappointment. What it comes down to is this country is going to remember our good buddy GW but what he does his last 300+ days and counting. I personal don't feel it will be anything spectacular but I am waiting for him to prove me wrong. alright I'm done.