
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

My baby died

So as everyone remembers how happy I was with my purchase of my mac book pro last January. Well this past weekend I am sitting their finishing a paper and all the sudden it freezes up. I think hhhhmmmm this is odd so I do what anyone would do and reboot her. Well heres is where it all began she wouldn't turn back on. I thought what the #$%# is going on here. Well at any rate my wife got it to come up for a few minutes long enough for me to email my paper to myself. With that taken care of I called a local repair man and he referred me to the simply mac store in Orem where she is sitting right now.I will keep you all posted.

Well I got word back today and the people at Simply Mac said the motherboard went out and it going to be $965 to fix ouch it does have to be fixed so I guess I'll bite the bullet and fork out the dough. You never realize how much you depend on something like a mac book pro till its gone.


Blogger Brandon Doyle said...

If it weren't for two jobs and being surrounded by computers all day long, I would be severely traumatized if my MacBook died.

That sucks. :(

3:20 PM  
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8:20 AM  

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