
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Its been a while

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. School has been wicked crazy yes you heard me right wicked crazy. You can get the boy out of New Hamshire but you can't get New Hamshire out of the boy. Well any who I am taking four class this summer Survey of physical Science, Photography 1,Public Speaking and English. For the most part all my classes are going extremly well and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. At summers end I will be a trip to the grea Meca also known as yankee stadium with dad. Yes thats right I am heading out to cape cod for a week of fun in the sun, there will be golfing, fishing, going to the beach and of course plenty of baseball mlb and cape league. Next week I am sapouse to submit my application to transfer to The University Of Utah. I am a little nervous but it is all good.Thats right I am going to be transfering after fall semester this year.Well its been good but I have to get going I have a bling flashing que that apparently needs some attention. Talk to you all latter.