
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

People never learn

I came across this story this morning on Mike and mike show. Aparently two poeople were pulled over and both were charged with a DUI. You ask how is this possible? Well the two gentlemen came out of the bar well tanked. Got into their 1985 chevy pickup. one sat down in the cab and the other one sat on his lap. Now this is where it gets interesting. You see one of the idiviguals have no legs. So as you can imagine one with legs was controlling the gas peddles while the one without legs was stering. They thought they had found a loop hole sine neither one was fully driving that they couldnt be charged with driving under the influence...Well heres your sign

Friday, August 24, 2007

Back from the trip

Sorry about the delay on this post. Last week I went down to Florida for a weekend of fun with my brothers. Yes it was a blast Golfing, boating,fishing what more could you ask for. It was good to see the boys again :) Yesterday was the start of the new semester ugh this semester I am taking a little much a total of 15 credit hours 5 classes but it should be good for me I am feeling really good about what I will be learning in these classes as well as how I will preform in these classes well I guess this is going to be it for now.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Count down is On ! ! !

Well everyone its been a busy yet very interesting summer thus the reason for the lack of Blogs. So very sorry! Well as I said the count down is on Yesterday I registered for class for this fall after weeks and weeks of pestering by Dad I guess it was a good thing So with school starting right around the corner its time for the yearly trip with the boys Every year at the end of the summer my brother and I + Dad get together for a long weekend in Florida this year it will be August 9-12 many Pictures on the way This year it will be a weekend of Golfing,Deep sea fishing and getting heavily intoxicated in the immortal words of Bill Engval "I don't wanna hear a thing because Tequila was involved" any way it should be alot of fun so for now I'm out of here