
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Its finally here

Well it is finally here the end of the semester 14 days and counting and I am so excited. I have so much to do and so little time to do it in. Marcy has been so very understanding giving me the time to get my work done. I have a midterm this week and two finals next week. WE have completed all the shopping for the boys Christmas this year Marcy is way excited. Thanksgiving was alot of fun this year Marcy and I had Marcy's mother and father along with their grandchild her two sisters along with a boyfriend over into our little two bedroom appt everything went surprisingly smooth with little drama. I was sitting there missing my family back home and decided to call my sis who I haven't talked to in over a year not for lack of effort on my part but she has had some major drama in her life over the past year and it was good to hear from her. Black Friday was very interesting this year my sister Linda who is 6-7 months pregnant was out buying a talking parrot and making her way to the check out when this old lady came up grabbed it out of her hands and made while saying its for my grandchild other wise I wouldn't do this my thoughts I sure would hope the talking parrot wasn't for her but Linda is safe.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my visit to insta care

well last night was very interesting to say the least. At about 6:00 Gavin my youngest started with this hack like cough. It sounded like it was coming from his longs so I took him into the local insta care. The poked and proded like always he was a very good boy. The doctor came in and proceeded to give his diagnosis. He said there was a cold going around and it would clear up in a few days I accepted this. Well any way as soon as the doctor left Gavin threw up a bit I cleaned it up with his hoody and continued home. Upon getting home I grabed the puke soaked hoody and guess what fell out of it a penny. Infants and doctors your paying $35 to see never seem to amaze me. hahahahaha